This is your luxury home for pets. We design products with both you and your fur family in mind, ensuring that you feel confident with our creative style and beautiful, quality products.
Steps voltages down to 3.3V more effeciently then normal LDO regulators
Integrated decoupling capacitors
The DE-SW0XX family of switch mode voltage regulators are designed to be the easiest possible way to add the benefits of switch-mode power to a new or existing project. A Dimension Engineering 3.3V 1A Switching Voltage Regulator will allow you to take a higher voltage and it step down a 3.3V output in a compact, efficient manner. This product is pin-compatible with the common 78XX family of linear voltage regulators. They have integrated decoupling capacitors, so external capacitors are not generally necessary. Need a different voltage? Try Dimension Engineering 10W Adjustable Switching Regulator. In quantities >50, these can be custom built to have nearly any output voltage you want. Please contact us if you need this service.
Battery powered applications
Point of load voltage regulation
Any application where a linear or LDO regulator is dissipating too much heat or a large heatsink is undesirable