How Fast Cheetah Notebooks. Cover printed front and back and perfect bound. 5.5 x 7.75 lined notebook and 8 x 10 blank sketchbook.
Original artwork © 2006 Samara E. King & TwoBee, LLC rendered in color pencil for the Smithsonian American Museum of Natural History.
How fast is a cheetah? The cheetah's flexible spine curls like a whip producing bursts of speed timed at 70 miles per hour. No land animal can outrun this cat in short sprints. The cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 45 miles per hour (72 KPH) in 2 seconds – faster than most race cars. The cheetah is three times faster than the average speed of a bicyclist racing the Tour de France, and over six times as fast as a squirrel in full throttle. The cheetah is not only the fastest, but the oldest of the surviving big cats. Yet today, their numbers are dangerously declining. With successful conservation strategies, perhaps the outcome of the cheetah’s race can be one of survival, and not of extinction.